The Beginning of Conscious Living
April 2016 was when I first launched The Cakery. Over the past two and a half years, I've witnessed a growing health-conscious community in Hong Kong, which has inspired me to eat healthier and make better food choices. But I believe much needs to be done before these ideas can become mainstream, and it is now time for us to take on the role of educator to share our experiences through conscious living and clean eating, and to evolve as a community and grow together for the better. Prior to The Cakery, I was no different from any other professional, where going to work was for the purpose of making a living. It never occurred to me to contemplate on what I was doing or the impact on society. However, the ups and downs I've experienced over the past two and a half years have probably made it one of the most eventful periods of my life and allowed me the opportunity to self reflect.
I've been repeatedly asked how my life as a baker/entrepreneur compares to my previous life as a derivatives sales at a global bank; whether I miss the adrenaline of the market or if life now is a lot more slow-paced. The answer is a resounding N-O. My current hours are ten times longer and I work almost 7 days a week. Okay, this may be a slight exaggeration but not by much. For me personally, having started out without any background or experience in the F&B industry, the learning curve was steep. In fact, I didn't even know what a Superfood was until I started The Cakery. I involved myself in almost every aspect of the business, from strategy and operations on the business side of things, to the mundane and laborous of cleaning the kitchen, making deliveries, and of course the actual baking. Nevertheless, I very much enjoy the process because I'm not driven entirely by the financial aspect, but also being in the position to make a change and bring a little joy to peoples lives. Seeing a big smile on my customers' faces is one of my greatest job satisfactions. Running this business has made me more conscious of what I am doing, both inside and out.
The recipes for my guilt-free cakes are a product of hours upon hours of research on different types of ingredients and lifestyles. My goal was to incorporate top-quality ingredients into my creations that were nutritious, yet had the least amount of calories. It came to the point where nutritional labels became my leisurely reading material. With my newfound interest and deeper understanding of the wonders of superfoods, I found myself consciously (and subconsciously) trying to change my family’s eating habits. While we are not vegetarians, we’ve decreased our amount of meat consumption in order to lead a more sustainable and healthy lifestyle. I have also discovered the beauty of vegan food. I am a true believer of you are what you eat. Your diet is the best secret one can possess, and we are here to help you understand your food better. Raising consciousness has empowered me with the ability to make positive changes and to influence, and this is the reason we have decided to launch our Conscious Living campaign. As Howard Zinn once said, “Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.